Hey NHibernate, Don’t Mess With My Enums!

So I’ve been using Fluent NHibernate for a short while now. Initially I had to overcome some minor challenges, but since I got those out of the way it’s been pretty smooth sailing. One thing that stands out, which required more tinkering and timeshare than I would’ve liked is the way NHibernate handles the .NET enum type. Natively NHibernate allows you to save your enum’s value as a string or number property/column in the referencing object’s table. In other words, by default it doesn’t allow you to map your enum to its own separate table, and then let your objects refer to it through an association/foreign key. For NHibernate enums are primitive values, and not “entity objects” (logically speaking – ignoring the technical internal mechanics of .NET’s enum). I would argue that enums can be both a primitive string or number, or a more complex entity. Under certain circumstances an enum can be viewed as a simple “object” that consists of two properties:

  • An Id, represented by the enum member’s number value
  • And a name, represented by the enum member’s string name.

I’ve found that it’s very convenient to use the “entity object” version of enums for very simple, slow changing look-up data with a fair amount of business logic attached to it. For instance in a credit application app, you might only support 3 or 4 types of loans, but you know that over time app’s life, the company won’t add more than 2 or 3 new types of loans. Adding a loan type requires some additional work, and isn’t merely a matter of just inserting a new loan type into a look-up table. The reason is that a fair amount of the app’s business logic, mainly in the form of conditional logic statements, must also be adapted to accommodate the new loan type. From a coding perspective it’s very convenient to use enum types in these cases, because you can refer to the various options through DRY strong typed members, with a simultaneous string and number representation. So instead of

var loan = loanRepository.FindById(234);
var loanType = loanTypeRepository.FindById(123);

// ...

if (loan.Type == "PersonalLoan")
    // ...

rather do

var loan = loanRepository.FindById(234);

if (loan.Type == LoanType.Personal)

Okay, schweet, you get the point. Next logical question: How do you get NHibernate to treat your enums as objects with their own table, and not primitive values? To do this you have to create a generic class that can wrap your enum types, and then create a mapping for this enum  wrapper class. I call this class Reference:

public class Reference<TEnum>
    private TEnum enm;

    public Reference(TEnum enm)
        this.enm = enm;

    public Reference() {}

    public virtual int Id
        get { return Convert.ToInt32(enm); }
        set { enm = (TEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum), value.ToString(), true); }

    public virtual string Name
        get { return enm.ToString(); }
        set { enm = (TEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum), value, true); }

    public virtual TEnum Value
        get { return enm; }
        set { enm = value; }

The Reference class is pretty straight forward. All it does is translate the contained enum into an object with three properties:

  • Id – the integer value of the enum member.
  • Name – the string name of the enum member.
  • Value – the contained enum member.

You might wonder why I didn’t bother to restrict the allowed generic Types to enums. Well, it so happens that .NET generics doesn’t allow you to restrict generic type declarations to enums. It allows you to restrict generic types to structs, and all sort of other things, but not to enums. So you will never be able to get an exact generic restriction for the Reference class. So I thought, aag what the hell, if I can’t get an exact restriction, then what’s the point anyways? I’ll have to trust that whoever is using the code, knows what he’s doing.

Now, for example, instead of directly using the LoanTypes enum, the Loan class’s Type property will be a Reference object, with its generic type set to the LoanTypes enum:

public class Loan
    // ...
    public Reference<LoanType> Type { get; set; }
    // ...

This is not completely tidy, because to a degree the limitations of the data access infrastructure, i.e. NHibernate, force us to adopt a compromise solution that’s not necessary if we changed to something else. In other words things from the data infrastructure layers spills into the domain.

What’s left to do is (1) create a mapping for Reference<LoanType>, and (2) get NHibernate to use the right table name, i.e. LoanType, instead of Reference[LoanType]. Here the Fluent NHibernate mapping for Reference<LoanType>:

public class LoanTypeMap: ClassMap<Reference<LoanType>>
    public LoanTypeMap()
        Id(loanType => loanType.Id).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
        Map(loanType => loanType.Name);

The above Fluent NHibernate mapping tells NHibernate to use whatever value property Id has for the primary key, and not generate one for it. You also have to explicitly specify the table’s name you’d like NHibernate to use, because you want to ignore “Reference” as part of the table name, and only use the enum type name.

And that’s it. You will now have a separate table called LoanType, with the foreign keys of other classes’ tables referencing the LoanType enum’s table. Just keep in mind that this solution might not always be feasible. For example it might not work too well when you write a multilingual application. Also should you want to get a pretty description for each enum’s member, for example “Personal Loan”, instead of “PersonalLoan” you’ll have to throw in some intelligent text parsing that split’s a text string before each uppercase character. Hopefully this post gave you another option to map your enum types with NHibernate.

REST Web Services with ServiceStack

Over the past month I ventured deep into the alternative side of the .NET web world. I took quite a few web frameworks for a test drive, including OpenRasta, Nancy, Kayak and ServiceStack. All of the aforementioned supports Mono, except OpenRasta, that has it on its road-map. While kicking the tires of each framework, some harder than others, I saw the extent of just how far .NET has grown beyond its Microsoft roots, and how spoiled .NET developers have become with a long list of viable alternative .NET solutions from the valley of open source.

ServiceStack really impressed me, with its solid mix of components that speak to the heart of any modern C# web application. From Redis NOSQL and lightweight relational database libraries, right through to an extremely simple REST and SOAP web service framework. As the name suggests, it is indeed a complete stack.

Anyways, enough with the marketing fluff, let’s pop the bonnet and get our hands dirty. What I’m going to show you isn’t anything advanced. Just a few basic steps to help you to get to like the ServiceStack web framework as much as I do. You can learn the same things I’ll be explaining here by investigating the very complete ServiceStack example applications, but I thought some extra tidbits I picked up working through some of them should make life even easier for you.

Some Background Info On REST

I’m going to show you how to build a REpresentation State Transfer (REST) web service with ServiceStack. RESTful web services declare resources that have a URI and can be accessed through HTTP methods, or verbs (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE), to our domain services and entities. This is different from SOAP web services that require you to expose methods RPC style, that are ignorant of the underlying HTTP methods and headers. To implement a REST resource and its HTTP-methods in ServiceStack requires the use of two classes, RestService and RestServiceAttribute.

Another feature of REST is that data resources are encoded in either XML or JSON. However, the latest trend is to encode objects in JSON for its brevity and smaller size, rather than its more clunky counterpart, XML. We will therefore follow suit and do the same. Okay, I think you’re ready now to write your first line of ServiceStack code.

Create a Web Service Host with AppHostBase

The first thing you have to do is specify how you’d like ServiceStack to run your web services. You can choose to either run your web services from Internet Information Services (IIS) or Apache, or from the embedded HTTP listener based web server. Both of these approaches require you to declare a class that inherits from AppHostBase:

public class AppHost: AppHostBase
    public AppHost()
        : base("Robots Web Service: It's alive!", typeof(RobotRestResource).Assembly) {}

    public override void Configure(Container container)
        SetConfig(new EndpointHostConfig
            GlobalResponseHeaders =
                { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*" },
                { "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" },

Class AppHost‘s default constructor makes a call to AppHostBase‘s constructor that takes 2 arguments. This first argument is the name of the web app, and the second argument tells ServiceStack to scan the Assembly where class RobotRestResource is defined, for REST web services and resources.

AppHostBase‘s Configure method must be overridden, even if it’s empty, otherwise you’ll get and exception. If you plan on making cross domain JavaScript calls from your web user interface (i.e. your web interface is written in JavaScript and hosted on a separate web site from your web services) to your REST resources, then adding the correct global response headers are very important. Together the two Access-Control-Allow headers tell browsers that do a pre-fetch OPTIONS request that their cross domain request will be allowed. I’m not going to explain the internals, but any Google search on this topic should yield sufficient info.

Now all that’s left to do is to initialize your custom web service host in Global.asax‘s Application_Start method:

public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
    protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        new AppHost().Init();

The last thing you might be wondering about, before we move on, is the web.config of your ServiceStack web service. For reasons of brevity I’m not going to cover this, but please download ServiceStack’s examples and use one of their web.configs. The setup require to run ServiceStack from IIS is really minimal, and very easy to configure.

Define REST Resources with RestService

Now that we’ve created a host for our services, we’re ready to create some REST resources. In a very basic sense you could say a REST resource is like a Data Transfer Object (DTO) that provides a suitable external representation of your domain. Let’s create a resource that represents a robot:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

[RestService("/robot", "GET,POST,PUT,OPTIONS")]
public class RobotRestResource
public string Name { get; set; }

public double IntelligenceRating { get; set; }

public bool IsATerminator { get; set; }

public IList<string> Predecessors { get; set; }

public IList<Thought> Thoughts { get; set; }


The minimum requirement for a class to be recognized as a REST resource by ServiceStack, is that it must inherit from IRestResource, and have a RestServiceAttribute with a URL template, and that’s it. ServiceStack doesn’t force you to use the DataContractAttribute or DataMemberAttribute. The only reason I used it for the example is to demonstrate how to exclude a member from being serialized to JSON when it’s sent to the client. The Thoughts member will not be serialized and the web client will never know the value of this object. I had a situation where I wanted to have a member  on my resource for internal use in my application, but I didn’t want to send it to clients over the web service. In this situation you have to apply the DataContractAttribute to your resource’s class definition, and the DataMemberAttribute to each property you want to expose. And that’s it, nothing else is required to declare a REST resource ffor ServiceStack.

Provide a Service for Each Resource with RestServiceBase

Each resource you declare requires a corresponding service that implements the supported HTTP verb-methods:

public class RobotRestService: RestServiceBase<RobotRestResource>
    public override object OnPut(RobotRestResource robotRestResource)
        // Do something here & return a
        // new RobotRestResource here,
        // or any other serializable
        // object, if you like.

    public override object OnGet(RobotRestResource robotRestResource)
        // Do some things here ...
        // Return the list of RobotRestResources
        // here, or any other serializable
        // object, if you like.

        return new []
            new RobotRestResource(),
            new RobotRestResource()

In order for ServiceStack to assign a class as a service for a resource, you have to inherit from RestServiceBase,  specifying the resource class as the generic type. RestServiceBase provides virtual methods for each REST approved HTTP-verb: OnGet for GET, OnPut for PUT, OnPost for POST and OnDelete for DELETE. You can selectively override each one that your resource supports.

Each HTTP-verb method may return one of the following results:

  1. Your IRestResource DTO object. This will send the object to the client in the specified format JSON, or XML.
  2. ServiceStack.Common.Web.HtmlResult, when you want to render the page on the server and send that to the client.
  3. ServiceStack.Common.Web.HttpResult, when you want to send a HTTP status to the client, for instance to redirect the client:
    var httpResult = new HttpResult(new object(), null, HttpStatusCode.Redirect);
    httpResult.Headers[HttpHeaders.Location] = "https://openlandscape.wordpress.com";
    return httpResult;

And that’s it. Launch your web site, and call the OnGet methof at /robot?format=json, or if you prefer XML /robot?format=xml. To debug your RESTful service API I can highly recommend the Poster Firefox plug-in. Poster allows you to manually construct HTTP commands and send them to the server.

You might be wondering what the purpose is of RobotRestResource that gets passed to each HTTP-verb method. Well, that is basically an aggregation of the posted form parameters and URL query string parameters. In other words if the submitted form has a corresponding field name to one of RobotRestResource’s properties, ServiceStack will automatically assign the parameter’s value to the supplied RobotRestResource. The same applies for query strings, the query strings ?Name=”TheTerminator”&IsATerminator=true: robotRestResource’s Name will be assigned the value of “TheTerminator” and IsATerminator will be true.

Using ServiceStack’s Built-In Web Service as a Service Host

The above discussion assumed that you’ll be hosting your ServiceStack service in IIS or with mod_mono in Apache. However, ServiceStack has another pretty cool option available, self hosting. That’s right, services can be independently hosted on their own and embedded in your application. This might be useful in scenarios where you don’t want to be dependent on IIS. I imagine something like a Windows service, or similar, that also serves as small web server to expose a web service API to clients, without the need for lengthy and complicated IIS setup procedures.

var appHost = new AppHost();

To start the self hosted ServiceStack you configure your host as usual, and then call Start(…), passing the URL (with free port) where the web server will be accessed.

Why Use ServiceStack

For me one of the big reasons for choosing ServiceStack is that it has a solid library to build web services running on Mono. However, after using if for a while I found its easy setup and simple conventions very refreshing from the often confusing and cumbersome configuration of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) web services.ServiceStack also does a much better job of RESTful services, than WCF’s current implementation. I know future versions of WCF will enable a more mature RESTful architecture, but for now it’s pretty much RPC hacked into REST. Another bonus was the complete set of example apps that were a great help to quickly get things working. So if you’re tired of WCF’s heavy configuration and you’re looking for something to quickly implement mature RESTful web services, then definitely give ServiceStack a try.

Fluent NHibernate on PostgreSQL

When you write your first Fluent NHibernate application with Mono/.NET based on the Getting started tutorial, you eventually discover that you require a few extra assembly-dll references not mentioned. For my Postgres (PostgreSQL) project my references are:

Fluent NHibernate References

I won’t go into the detail of the matter, other than to say that many of these don’t give you a very clear indication as to what exactly is missing.

To configure Fluent NHibernate to work with Postgres you will need the following:

var connectionStr = "Server=;Port=5432;Database=the_db;User Id=user_name;Password=password;"
ISessionFactory sessionFactory = Fluently
 .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<TypeOfFluentNHibernateMapping>())

private static void BuildSchema(Configuration config)
// This NHibernate tool takes a configuration (with mapping info in)
// and exports a database schema from it.
var dbSchemaExport = new SchemaExport(config);
//dbSchemaExport.Drop(false, true);
dbSchemaExport.Create(false, true);

TypeOfFluentNHibernateMapping is a class that inherits from FluentNHibernate.Mapping.ClassMap<T>. This tells Fluent to load all ClassMappings from the assembly where this type is defined.

BuildSchema(…) creates the database’s schema based on the specified mapping configuration and recreates the tables and the rest of it in the database specified by the connection string. I included the call to the schema export’s drop method, because the code originates from my unit tests, where I drop & recreate the database on each test run.

So far I like Fluent NHibernate, and the only complaint I have so far is the way NHibernate (not Fluent) handles enums. It assumes you want to use the enum member’s string name. The way I like to store my enums, are to have a separate table for them.

Taking Another Look At Inheritance

In my first lesson on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) I was taught how amazing inheritance is for code reuse, and object classification. Very excited and with high expectations, I set off with this new concept from my OOP toolbox, using it as at every possible opportunity. As time went by, I realized all is not well and that inheritance has a lot of subtle and unanticipated implications to a system’s behavior and implementation, beyond the quick class definition. Inheritance often initially looks like the right solution, but only later does it become apparent that there are some unintended consequences, often when it’s too late to make design changes. I hope to provide the full story of inheritance here, and how to make sure that it has a happy ending.

Let’s start with the basics: Inheritance is a classification where one type is a specialization of another. The purpose of inheritance is to create simpler reusable code, by creating a common base class that shares its implementation with one or more derived classes. Be forewarned inheritance needs to be very carefully planned and implemented, otherwise you will get the reuse without the simplicity.

Deciding to use inheritance or not consists of the following steps:

  1. What is wrong with inheritance?
  2. When to use inheritance, and when to avoid it?
  3. If inheritance is not used, what alternatives are available?
  4. If inheritance is used, how should it be used?

Problems of Inheritance

So what is wrong with inheritance? The biggest problems of inheritance stem from its fragile base classes and the tight coupling between the base class and its derived classes.

Fragile base class

The fragile base class describes a problem that occurs when changes to a base class, even if interfaces remain intact, break correctness of the derived classes that inherit from it. Consider the following example:


 public class Employee
 protected double salary;
 protected virtual void increase(double amount)
 salary += amount;
 protected void receiveBonus(double amount)
 salary += amount;

public class Contractor: Employee
 protected override void increase(double amount)

Next a developer updates class Employee as follows:


 public class Employee
 protected double salary;
 protected virtual void increase(double amount)
 salary +=  amount;

protected void receiveBonus(double amount)
 // salary += amount;

public class Contractor: Employee
 protected override void increase(double amount)

The modification made to the base class Employee in step 2, will create an infinite recursive call in class Contractor, without any modifications to Contractor. This problem will silently be introduced into the system that uses Contractor, and only manifest at run-time when it causes memory problems on the server. In a nutshell this is referred to as the Fragile Base Class problem of inheritance. It is also the biggest problem that occurs when using inheritance to share functionality.

Tight Coupling and Weak Encapsulation

Encapsulation, also referred to as information hiding, is one of the pillars of good OO design. It is a technique for reducing dependencies between separate modules, by defining contractual interfaces. Other objects depend only on the contractual interface, and the module can be changed without affecting dependent objects, as long as the new implementation doesn’t require a new interface.

Base classes and derived classes can access the members of each other:

  • The derived class uses base class methods and variables.
  • The base class uses overridden methods in derived classes.

When base and derived classes become dependent on each other to this extent, it becomes difficult and even impossible to make changes to one class, without making corresponding changes in the other class.

Inheritance best practices

Implement “is a” through public inheritance

A base class constrains and influences how derived classes operate. If there is a possibility that the derived class might deviate from the base class’s interface contract, inheritance is not the right implementation technique. Consider using interfaces and/or composition under these circumstances.

Design and document for inheritance or prohibit it

Together with the ability to quickly write reusable code, comes the risks of adding complexity to an application. Therefore either plan for inheritance and allow and document it, or stop its use entirely by declaring a class as final (Java) or sealed (C#). This might not be always a plausible solution, when certain frameworks, like NHibernate for instance, forces you to declare persisted class members as virtual.

Adhere to the Liskov Substitution Principle

In a 1987 keynote address entitled “Data abstraction and hierarchy”, Barbara Liskov argued that you shouldn’t inherit from a base class unless the derived class is truly a more specific version of the base class. The derived class must be a perfectly interchangeable specialization of the base class. The methods and properties inherited from the base class should have exactly the same meaning in a derived class. If LSP is applied, inheritance can reduce complexity, because it allows you to focus on the general role of the objects.

Avoid deep inheritance hierarchies

The amount of complexity introduced into an application using deep inheritance hierarchies, completely outweighs its benefits.  Inheritance hierarchies more than three levels deep, considerably increase fault rates. Inheritance should improve code reuse and reduce complexity. Consider applying the 7+-2 rule as a limit to the total number of derived classes in a hierarchy.

Specify what you want derived classes to inherit

Plan and control how derived classes can specialize a base class. Derived classes can inherit method interfaces, implementations or both. Abstract methods do not provide a default implementation to derived classes. Abstract methods only provide an interface, whereas virtual/overridable methods provide an interface and a default implementation. Non-overridable methods provide an interface and default implementation to derived classes, but derived classes cannot replace the inherited implementation with their own.

Don’t override a non-overridable member function

Don’t use the same names of private/non-overridable methods, properties and variables from the base class in derived classes. This is to reduce the likelihood that it might seem like a member is overridden in a derived class, but it is only a different member with the samem name.

Move common interfaces, data, and behavior as high as possible in the inheritance hierarchy

The higher interfaces, data, and behavior is moved up in the inheritance hierarchy, the easier it is for derived classes to reuse them. But at the same time don’t share a member with derived classes if it is not common among all the derived classes.

Don’t confuse data or objects with classes

There shouldn’t be a different class for every occurrence. For instance there should only be one Person class, and objects for Jack and Jill, and not a Jack and Jill class and one object of each. The warning signs should go off when you notice classes with only one object.

Be cautious when a base class only has a single derived class

Don’t use inheritance if there isn’t a clear need for it at the moment. Don’t try to provide for some future extension, if you’re not 100% sure what those future needs are. Rather focus on making current code easy to use and understand.

Be cautious of classes that override a base method with an empty implementation

This means that the overridden method isn’t common among all the derived classes, and that it is not suitable for inheritance. The way to solve this is to create another class that contains the implementation, and reference it from the derived classes that requires it (composition).

Prefer polymorphism to extensive type checking

Instead of doing several checks with if or case statements for an object’s type (typeof(Class) == object.GetType()), consider using derived classes that implement a common interface. This frees you from determining what the object is so that you can call the correct method.

Be cautious of protected data

When variables and properties are protected, you loose the benefits of encapsulation between base and derived classes. Allowing derived classes to directly manipulate protected data members, increases the likelihood that the base class will be left in an unexpected state, and create an error in the object.

Alternatives to Inheritance


In the terms of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Composition, also referred to as Containment, is a fancy term that simply means a reference contained in another object. So instead of inheriting from the base class, you instantiate a new instance of the class whose functionality you need, and use that from the client class. Pretty standard stuff, but its implications are important when it comes to reusing functionality. Take the List class reused by the PersonList class using inheritance:

public class List<T> : IList<T>, ICollection<T>,
 IEnumerable<T>, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
 // ...

public class PersonList: List<Person>
 // ...

Now take the same Lits<T> class reused by the PersonList class using composition:

 public class List<T> : IList<T>, ICollection<T>,
 IEnumerable<T>, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
 // ...

public class PersonList
 private  List<Person> person = new List<Person>();
 // ...

The example demonstates the following:

  1. Inheritance is quicker to implement, but discloses the inner workings of the inherited class. Child class PersonList  already has all the methods available to store People. PersonList referencing List<Person> first needs to implement some public methods to make the private list usable to outside objects. The problem with the inheriting PersonList, is that all public methods and properties inherited from List<T> is also made available to outside objects. Since outside objects usually only require a small subset of these, you are providing less guidance on how your object should be used. Another way to look at it is to say you have a weak object contract. Hiding a private List<Person> variable behind a custom public methods provides a strict contract of how it should be used and hides any implementation details from outside objects. For instance should you wish to rather use a Hashtable, instead of a List, you can do so without worrying about it affecting any objects that are using PersonList. Inheritance is a little faster to use, but composition makes your code easier to use and last longer by reducing the impact of changes.
  2. It is easier (and safer) to change a method interface/definition of a class based on composition. Base classes are fragile and subclasses are rigid. The Fragile Base Class problem clearly demonstrates how base classes are fragile, when a change ripples through in unintended ways to derived classes, to eventually break an application. Derived classes are fragile because you cannot change an overrided method’s interface without making sure it is compatible with its base class.
  3. Composition allows you to delay the instantiation of the referenced object until required. This would be the case if the List<Person> variable in PersonList wasn’t immediately instantiated, but say only when it is called for the first time. With inheritance the base object is immediately instantiated together with the subobject. You do not have control over the base object’s lifetime.
  4. Composition allows you to change the behavior of an object at runtime. The referenced class can be changed while the application is running, without requiring changes to the code. This is especially true when interfaces are used to reference objects. When inheritance is used you can only change the base class by changing the code and recompiling the executable.
  5. Composition allows you to reuse functionality from multiple classes. With inheritance, the class is forced to reuse a single base class. Composition allows a class to use multiple classes. This also allows you to combine the functionality of several classes. For instance imagine an application with classes for different types of super heros. Some can create spider webs, others will fly like bats, and others will have retractable bone claws. Now image you can mix and match these to create the ultimate super hero, like one that can create spider webs, fly like a bat and have retractable bone claws. If you used inheritance you would be forced to choose only one type of super hero.


Interfaces are a great way to facilitate composition. You can almost say it is Composition By Contract (with interfaces you can build strong object contracts). When a class implements an interface it doesn’t get any functionality from a base class. An interface is only a contract telling objects what the class will do, but not providing any implementation to child classes. This means the Fragile Base Class problem does not affect classes implementing the interface, because there is no functinality flowing from the base class to the derived class.

Interfaces allow loosely coupled compositions, whereas inheritance and composition without interfaces can lead to tight coupling. Other objects bind only to an interface-contract and not the object implementing the interface. Therefore the underlying implementation is can be changed at any time during the application’s execution.


There are a number of patterns that can be used as a more sophisticated replacement of inheritance. For now I will just mention them here, and maybe discuss each one in a future post:

  1. Strategy Pattern
  2. Part Pattern
  3. Business Entity Pattern

When to use inheritance and when to use composition

One of the most important goals you as a developer should have is to reduce the complexity of your application. Inheritance can quickly mutate from simple to a far reaching chain of complexity and confusion. Rather try to use composition/containment together with interfaces. You should therefore be biased against using inheritance, and only use it when you are absolutely sure that you cannot do without it:

  • To share common data, use composition by placing the shared data in a common object to be referenced by the other classes.
  • To share common behavior, inherit from a common base class that implements the common methods.
  • To share common behavior and data, inherit from a common base class that implements the common methods and data.
  • To allow classes to control their own interface use composition. Inherit if you want the base class to define the interface.

Inheritance hierarchies in a relational database

Relational databases do not cater for the concept of inheritance, and requires you to map your classes to your database schema (hence the term Object-Relational Mapping). Although there are a number of complications with mapping your classes to a database schema, because of an impedance mismatch, it should not stop you from using inheritance.

There are four strategies for implementing inheritance in a relational database:

  1. Map the entire class hierarchy to one table.
  2. Map each concrete class to its own table.
  3. Map each class to its own table.
  4. Map the classes to a generic table structure.

Map the entire class hierarchy to one table

In our Person example, using this approach you will create a table with columns for the combined properties for all the classes in the hierarchy, and an extra type column and boolean column to identity object’s type. Client, Employee and Contractor objects will all be stored in the same table. The table will have all the columns of the entire class hierarchy: Id, FirstName, LastName, Nationality, Company, Salary, and ContractTerm.

The main advantage of this strategy is simplicity. It is easy to understand, query and implement. Querying data is fast and easy because all the data for an object is in one table. Adding new classes is painless – all that’s required is to add the additional properties of the new classes to the table.

The disadvantages of this strategy are:

  1. Unconstrained use of tables with a growing number of empty columns. A child class will not use the columns of a its siblings. So if the hierarchy has a lot of child classes you end up with a table row with a lot of empty columns. A further problem is that it restricts the use of the NOT NULL constraint on columns, because a a column might be compulsory for one child class, but not the other, yet they share the same table. Therefore none of the child classes’ columns can have the NOT NULL constraint.
  2. Increased coupling of classes. All classes in the hierarchy share the same table, therefore a change to the table can affect them all.

Map each concrete class hierarchy to its own table

With this strategy you create a table for each concrete class implementation. Continuing with the Person example, you will create the following tables:

  1. Client, with columns Id, FirstName, LastName, Nationality and Company.
  2. Employee, with columns Id, FirstName, LastName, Nationality and Salary.
  3. Contractor, with columns Id, FirstName, LastName, Nationality, Salary and ContractTerm.

This strategy is also fairly simple and easy to understand, query and implement. It is simple to query beacuse all an object’s data comes from one table. Query performance is also good, because you don’t have to do multiple joins to get a single object’s data.

Maintenance and chaging a super class’s schema is a laborous process though. For instance, say you want to add Gender to the Person class? This means you have to update three tables: Client, Employee and Contractor.

Map each class to its own table

Mapping each class to its own table requires that the primary key of each child class also serve as the foreign key pointing to the related row in the parent table. The table of the class at the top of the hierarchy, in our case it’s Person, contains a row for every object in the hierarchy. The example will have the following tables:

  1. Person, with columns Id, FirstName, LastName, and Nationality. Id is not a foreign key, because Person is at the top of the inheritance hierarchy.
  2. Client, with columns Id and Company. Id is also a foreign key referencing the row in table Person that contains this object’s Person data.
    Id cannot be an auto incrementing or generated identity column because the parent row in the Person table will determine its value.
  3. Employee, with columns Id and Salary. Just as in the case of Client, Id is also a foreign key referencing the parent row in table Person.
  4. Contractor, with columns Id and ContractTerm. Just like Client and Employee, Id is also a foreign key referencing the parent row the Employee table.

To make it easier to identify what kind of object a row in the root table represents, you can add a PersonType table and PersonTypeId attribute to the Person table. This will make it easier to get the type of Person in queries, because you don’t have to go through several joins to get to the last child table that tells you what the object’s actual type is.

Map classes to a generic table structure

The last, and most complex, way to store your objects and their inheritance hierarchy is using a fixed table structure that can store any object. The following diagram describes how you would lay out your mapping classes and corresponding tables to accommodate any mapping, inheritance well as relationships :

The easiest way to explain this mapping meta-data engine is to use an example. Consider the following Employee object: new Employee { FirstName = “John”, LastName = “Doe”, Nationality = “ZA”, Salary = 11000 }. The Type table will have two entries one for the Person type/class, and one for the Employee class. ParentTypeId of the Employee record in the Type table references the TypeId of the base Person class. IsSystem is used to identity native system types, such as string and int. The Property table stores all the member properties and variables of a class, so Employee will have one entry for the Salary property, and Person will have 3 entries for FirstName, LastName and Nationality. This takes care of the type and mapping meta-data.

Object instance state is persisted as follows. For the Employee called “John Doe” there will be one entry in the Object table for the instance, and 4 entries in the ObjectPropertyValue table, one for each property. A Property can store a primitive type, like a string, in which case the Value column/property will contain the actual value. If a Property references another Object, then the Value column/property will contain the ObjectId of the referenced object.

The above solution provides the most flexibility. However, it requires a complicated meta-data mapping and administration layer. Understanding, querying and reporting data becomes a very painful and slow process. This technique is only included for completeness. If this level of flexibility is required, I highly recommend that you rather look at a dedicated Object Relational Mapper (ORM) like NHibernate or Entity Framework. As a side note; I have not applied this specific solution in real life, so consider it only as a proof of concept, and not a tried and tested implementation.


You can change the behaviour of each ball at runtime: a bouncing ball can become a fading ball at any time.

The Joy, Blood, Sweat And Tears Of InfoPath 2007

InfoPathI recently completed a project based on InfoPath 2007 (Office client version) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Services 2007 (MOSS 2007). Looking back I can say that InfoPath has its uses, but before you build a solution around it you have to be very sure about its limitations. InfoPath has a number of limitations, especially with regards to submitting data, that aren’t that apparent at first sight. If you don’t watch out, you can quickly get caught up in what feels like a never ending maize of dead ends.

InfoPath is often pitched as a solution that doesn’t require writing custom code. This project was no different, and its time lines were made accordingly. In the end we had to write a fair amount of custom code, which was fun, but took more time.

The Many Limitations Of InfoPath DataBase Data Source

InfoPath generally works well viewing standard enterprise data sources such as database tables or SharePoint lists. The limitations become apparent when you attempt to submit to a database using an InfoPath SQL connection, or perform advanced queries. There are a number of limitations when you work with an InfoPath SQL database data source/connection:

  1. Only submit to a single table. This excludes database data sources such as views, and queries with joins. You cannot submit to views or SQL DataSources with joins.
  2. To submit to a database you can only use the main data connection. In other words you can’t have a database-view as the main data source, and setup another simple single table select to submit to.
  3. Range queries are not possible. You can only use a field once in a query’s WHERE clause with an equality operator.
  4. SQL data source dependent on table schema. If a SQL data source’s underlying table is modified, even just adding a column (in other words InfoPath’s SELECT statement doesn’t actually change), the data source will break.
Data Connection Wizard

Data Connection Wizard

With SharePoint lists you cannot query the data source with queryfields like relational data sources.

The above limitations, especially regarding relational data sources, mean one thing: Web services are mandatory for working with your relational data. Using web services allows you to overcome all the limitations of the standard InfoPath SQL data source, and work with a consistent schema.

Another thing to watch out for is that InfoPath’s performance deteriorates quickly when you have more than 50 rows in your result set. Sometimes this figure is much lower. In the project I worked on the data was coming lightning fast from the data base through the web service. But when the data hits the form, and InfoPath starts parsing the XML document, it completely froze for quite a while. I have decided not to torture myself trying to page my form data, so I haven’t looked into this yet (and I believe InfoPath is not meant to be used in this manner). The quickest and most effective solution I could come up with is to allow users to load data into their form incrementally. How this works is that you’ll do a normal retrieve of your data from the data source, but instead of clearing the form, you’ll just add the new result set to the rest of the form’s data. The big drawback of this is that you need to write custom code to modify the XML document directly using XmlWriter: Not a too pleasant exercise.

public void Load_Clicked(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e)
  // Call the web service of the secondary DataSource, which will populate it         
  var clients = DataSources["ClientWS2"].CreateNavigator().Select("/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetClientsResponse/tns:GetClientsResult/tns:Client", NamespaceManager);

  // The 1st time rows are added GetClientsResult might not exist, only GetClientsResponse
  var main = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetClientsResponse/tns:GetClientsResult", NamespaceManager);
  if (main == null) main = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetClientsResponse", NamespaceManager);

  using (XmlWriter writer = main.AppendChild())
    // Make sure we are adding Client elements to /dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetClientsResponse/tns:GetClientsResult and not, /dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetClientsResponse
    if (main.LocalName == "GetClientsResponse")
      // So if it doesn't exist, create it first
      writer.WriteStartElement("GetClientsResult", "http://sh.inobido.com/CRM/Service");

    while (clients.MoveNext())
      writer.WriteStartElement("Client", "http://sh.inobido.com/CRM/Service");

      // Select all the client element's child elements
      var fields = proposals.Current.Select("*", NamespaceManager);
      while (fields.MoveNext())
        // Write each element and value to the Main DataSource
        writer.WriteStartElement(fields.Current.Name, "http://sh.inobido.com/CRM/Service");


    if (main.LocalName == "GetClientsResponse)

The above event fires when a user clicks the Load button. The trick to load data incrementally is that you need a second DataSource exactly the same as the Main DataSource (they should point to the same data store). Whenever you call DataSource.QueryConnection.Execute() InfoPath will wipe any previous data from that DataSource, and reload it with the new data. That’s why you need a separate second DataSource that you call Execute on, and then copy that data to the Main DataSource. The end result is the Main DataSource doesn’t lose its data, but data gets added to it on each query.

Just another side note on InfoPath: Pivot tables are not possible, because you have to know exactly which columns your binding to at design time, and cannot create columns dynamically at runtime. This shouldn’t be a show stopper to most projects, but I’m just mentioning it. All the InfoPath forms we had to do came from Excel spreadsheets, and the one spreadsheet was a monster pivot table.

Hacking The DataConnection

It’s possible to query a data connection directly from InfoPath, change the SQL command dynamically, or extract the connection string. The biggest drawback of this hack (apart from being a hack, i.e. not recommended) is that it requires FullTrust and Sql Code Access Security (CAS) permissions. That means you have to certify your InfoPath form, or create an installer so users have to install it locally onto their machines. This doesn’t really work well when the form is made available to users through a SharePoint document library.

Anyways, here is a very unrefined sample to achieve this:

private const string CONNECTION_STRING = "Server={0};Database={1};User ID={2};Password={3};Trusted_Connection=False;";

private string GetConnectionString(AdoQueryConnection queryConnection)
  var password = GetConnectionStringParameter(queryConnection, "Password");
  var user = GetConnectionStringParameter(queryConnection, "User ID");
  var server = GetConnectionStringParameter(queryConnection, "Data Source");
  var db = GetConnectionStringParameter(queryConnection, "Initial Catalog");
  return string.Format(CONNECTION_STRING, server, db, user, password);

// Hmmm, if your using my wonderful hack, then you might want to
// consider rewriting this method to use regular expressions instead 😉
private string GetConnectionStringParameter(AdoQueryConnection queryConnection, string name)
  var paramIndex = queryConnection.Connection.IndexOf(name + "=");
  var parameter = queryConnection.Connection.Substring(paramIndex, queryConnection.Connection.IndexOf(";", paramIndex) - paramIndex);
  return parameter.Substring(parameter.IndexOf("=") + 1);

private IDataReader SelectWorksheetItems(SqlConnection connection, int pocketID)
  using (var dbCommand = new SqlCommand("WorksheetItemGetByPocket", connection))
    dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@pocketID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = pocketID;
    dbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    return dbCommand.ExecuteReader();

worksheetItemCurrentDS = DataSources["WorksheetItemCurrent"];
worksheetItemCurrentCmd = ((AdoQueryConnection)worksheetItemCurrentDS.QueryConnection).Command + " where \"PocketID\"={0}";

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString((AdoQueryConnection)worksheetItemCurrentDS.QueryConnection)))
  using (var reader = SelectWorksheetItems(connection, 24))
    // Do some stuff with the DataReader here...

InfoPath’s different data sources each use a specific data connection that inherits from the abstract class Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.DataConnection. The main point of the above example is that you can cast your InfoPath’s DataConnections to its specific implementation. For SQL database data sources InfoPath uses AdoQueryConnection. With AdoQueryConnection you have the ability to extract or manipulate the data source’s command and connection string.

Using SQL Server To Store InfoPath Documents

You cannot call store procedures directly from InfoPath, but if you develop on SQL Server 2005 or later, you can use SQL Web Services to call stored procedures as a web service. The big catch here is that SQL authentication and SQL Web Services don’t really go well together. Therefore when using SQL authentication for your InfoPath DataConnections you will either have to support integrated authentication for calls coming through the SQL Web Service (and SQL authetication for direct calls from the InfoPath form), or you will have to throw open access to your stored procedure to all users. If your using SQL authentication, there’s usually a good reason your doing so, so additionally supporting integrated authentication might not be an option. Giving access to anyone is an even worse idea.

CREATE ENDPOINT ClientInsertEndpoint
  SITE = 'ServerName',
  PATH = '/WebServiceName',
  WEBMETHOD 'ClientInsert'
    NAME = 'DataBase.dbo.ClientInsert',
  DATABASE = 'DataBase'

If is possible to support SQL authentication for SQL Server Web Services, but this requires a SSL server certificate. Microsoft also plans to remove this feature from SQL Server in future releases.

“This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.”

Definitely read Microsoft’s best practices for SQL Server Native XML Web Services.

Finally, you can use SQL Server 2005’s XML data type to save an InfoPath Form or query it in a relational format. Here’s a sample stored procedure that takes in the root node of the InfoPath’s XML document, and inserts the items into a table:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ClientUpdate]
  @clientsXml XML
  INSERT INTO  Client (FirstName,
SELECT         Clients.Client.query('data(@FirstName)').value('.', 'VARCHAR(25)') as FirstName,
               Clients.Client.query('data(@LastName)').value('.', 'VARCHAR(25)') as LastName,
               Clients.Client.query('data(@CellNo)').value('.', 'VARCHAR(25)') as CellNo,
               Clients.Client.query('data(@TelNo)').value('.', 'VARCHAR(25)') as TelNo,
               Clients.Client.query('data(@WorkNo)').value('.', 'VARCHAR(25)') as WorkNo
FROM           @clientsXml.nodes('declare namespace d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/infopath/2003/ado/dataFields namespace dfs="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/infopath/2003/dataFormSolution"; //d:Client') Clients(Client)

The new SQL XML syntax is a bit tricky, but once you get it right it works wonderfully well.

XPath Expressions Are Your Friend

Conditional Format

Conditional Format

Conditional formatting and XPath expressions are very handy to display unique values in a RepeatingTable. For instance say you’ve got a Client object, with multiple Addresses – street, postal, and work. Say you only wanted to show a client’s name once, and list each of his addresses without repeating his name. When you’re using a SQL DataSource, you will do a left join with the address table from the client table. This means you’ll repeat the same client name for each address.

To solve the aforementioned you need to make sure you order by client name, and then hide the textbox with a XPath expression:

tns:ClientName = preceding-sibling::tns:Client/tns:ClientName

What this expression is saying is that if the current Client’s ClientName is the same as the previous Client’s, then do something. That something is the action you’ll check on the Conditional Formatting window, that will be “hide” in our case.

This approach can be extended to multiple fields. All you have to do is make sure your order sequence is correct. So just by ordering your resultset corrrectly and using the right XPath expression, you’ll achieve quite a bit without having to write code.

InfoPath And Visual SourceSafe Does Not Play Well Together

If you’re creating InfoPath forms with Visual Studio Tools for Office and using Visual SourceSafe for source control, you will quickly get a whole range of different and meaningless error messages. Here are the general things to do to resolve them:

  1. Make sure all files in your Visual Studio InfoPath project’s “InfoPath Form Template” directory are checked out, before doing any work on manifest.xsf (the InfoPath form).
  2. If you’re having trouble checking files out of SourceSafe, from within Visual Studio:a. Close Visual Studio.b. Open the Visual SourceSafe application, and check out the files for the project from there. Once you’ve done this you can close Visual SourceSafe.c. Make the directory “InfoPath Form Template” and all its content writeable, by unchecking the Read-only option from the folder’s Options.d. Reopen Visual Studio, and continue working as usual.

Most Annoying InfoPath Deployment

Another aspect of InfoPath you need to consider is how you’re deploying your forms. To deploy a form you need to manually, that’s right manually, update each DataConnection to point to your production environment. Ouch! If you have say 5 forms, with 5 DataConnections each, then your looking at 25 DataConnections to manually update. Nasty! And if you mess one connection up, you’ve got a problem.

SQL DataConnections are the worst to update. When you want to change to a new DataBase, InfoPath completely clears your original select statement and forgets which table you were using, and you have to reselect the columns/table. Should your DataSource’s schema change (i.e. your select statement is not exactly the same as previously), InfoPath will do you the favor of removing your controls’ databindings. Most of the time you’ll probably use all the table’s columns, but you still have to go and re-select that table.

Web Service DataConnections are the easiest to reconfigure (but still pretty painful). You can just take the URL of the new web service, and copy it into the web service address box, and quickly click Next through the DataConnection wizard. InfoPath doesn’t forget which web method your DataConnection uses, like it does with SQL table DataConnections.

The aforementioned makes it extremely time consuming and error prone to deploy InfoPath forms between development, QA and production environments.


  1. Use web services to retrieve and save form data, and plan accordingly. I cannot state this enough. Yes, maybe for the simplest of simple forms you can get away with using InfoPath’s SQL DataConnection (and I mean really simple), but for everything else a web service is an absolute must.
  2. Try to avoid large editable, repeating data grids (or referred to as a RepeatingTable in InfoPath lingo). Be extra cautious when you’re planning on editing large result sets, with lots of drop down lists and lookup data. Forms that work best are ones that displays and edits a single entity, and apposed to forms that edit multiple instances of an entity on the same form.
  3. Don’t think you’re going to deploy those 5 forms in a few minutes. Give yourself enough time for the deployment, and to test each form afterwards to check that you didn’t mess a DataConnection up.
  4. Do a quick prototype of your forms to check whether InfoPath can really handle it. In my case the person who recommended InfoPath for the solution should have checked that it can accommodate pivot tables. This is general good software dev practice, but I think because of all InfoPath’s restrictions, I think one needs to be particularly careful.We’ve gotten so used to having control over every element of the user interface with ASP .NET and Windows Forms that we expect the same of other technologies we use. Remember InfoPath’s controls and their behaviour dictate how your information is displayed. You do not have access to the underlying API that these controls are based on. In other words know what InfoPath’s UI controls can do, because you won’t be able to write your own.

An Impersonation Aspect With Spring.NET AOP

One of the most useful features of Spring.NET is its Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). Object Orientation (OO) decomposes an application into a hierarchy of entities linked through references. AOP on the other hand, decomposes an application into ‘service layers’ (referred to as aspects or cross cutting concerns in AOP lingo). This allows us to transfer infrastructure code out of our core business logic and entities. AOP has some really confusing jargon, like advice, weaving, crosscutting concern, joinpoint, pointcut, etc. To get a grip of these basic building blocks of AOP I refer you to Spring’s excellent documentation that will get you started in no time.

This post is for those of you that covered the basic concepts and terms of AOP, and Spring.NET AOP in particular, but are still struggling a bit to put it all together. I’ll give an overview of how all the different parts of AOP come together, and then follow it up with a working example.

Transparently Wrapping Infrastructure Around Objects

Even after going over the fundamentals of AOP can one still be confused. So let’s start of with two very simplified diagrams that contrast OO against AOP. These diagrams are not ment to be technically accurate, just demonstrate the very high level concept of AOP.

Figure 1

The frist diagram of figure 1 shows how all of OO’s operating logic is contained within an object’s methods. In OO the object (or class) is the main construct that distills data (properties) and tasks (methods) into a type of entity. Each class has several methods, and in turn each method consists of business and infrastructure logic. Before we move on, I’d just like to mention that it’s not a case of AOP vs OO, and which one is the better than the other. AOP complements OO, and improves the quality and adaptability of OO.

OO works wonderfully when we only consider data, methods, and statements directly related to the bigger concept they collectively represent. But when we take things like logging, caching, security, and transactions into concideration we get this uneasy feeling that we are adding code that do not have any direct relation to the logical entity. Traditionally we would combine this infrastructure code with our business logic. This results in dirty business logic code, that becomes more complex, confusing, and less maintainable as we increase its coupling with infrastructure code. Not only this, but let’s say you quickly wanted to cache the results of several methods, without modifying each object’s method? You would have to go and manually duplicate the same code in each method were you want to perform the caching. That’s a lot of hard coding labor, and even harder maintenance should you want to change the way you do things.

Along comes AOP that allow you to move the infrastructure code out of our object’s methods into aspects that has specific roles with tasks. So you’ll have an aspect that provides security around methods, and another logging method execution. Our object’s business logic does not have to know anything about the infrastructure code in which it’s embedded. The infrastructure code is dynamically injected before or after a method executes. That is what the second diagram of figure 2 demonstrates: We have our object, and dynamically we specify when, and how infrastructure aspects intercept incoming and outgoing method calls. The result is that we are left with pure business logic code in the object’s methods, which are themselves transparently wrapped in the necessary infrastructure code.

Interfaces And Proxies

Spring.NET’s AOP framework uses proxies and interfaces to transparently wrap objects in aspects. An AOP proxy is an object that intercepts calls to, and results from, our actual business entity objects. The proxy has the exact same public members as our business entity object. When we request an object that we want to wrap in aspects, we actually request its proxy. In our configuration we will tell the proxy which object provides the actual implementation:

<objects xmlns="http://www.springframework.net">

    <object id="crmService" type="Spring.Aop.Framework.ProxyFactoryObject, Spring.Aop">
<property name="proxyInterfaces" value="Shinobido.GhostBlade.Customers.ICRMService" />
<property name="target">

<object type="Shinobido.GhostBlade.Customers.CRMService, Shinobido.GhostBlade">
<property name="Url" value="http://localhost:2491/CRMService.asmx" />
<property name="UseDefaultCredentials" value="true" />

<property name="interceptorNames">



     <!-- Interception AOP Begin -->

<object id="impersonationAspect" type="Spring.Aop.Support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor, Spring.Aop">
<property name="Pointcut">

<object id="regexPointcut" type="Spring.Aop.Support.SdkRegularExpressionMethodPointcut, Spring.Aop">
<property name="patterns">


<property name="Advice" ref="impersonationAdvice" />


     <object id="impersonationAdvice" type="Shinobido.GhostBlade.Security.ImpersonationAdvice, Shinobido.GhostBlade" />

     <object id="Shinobido.GhostBlade.Security.IIdentityProvider"
                    type="Shinobido.GhostBlade.Security.HttpContextIdentityProvider, Shinobido.GhostBlade" />


public interface ICRMService
    CustomerInformation GetCustomerById( int id ) ;

public class CRMService: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol, ICRMService
    public CustomerInformation GetCustomerById( int id )
            object[] results = this.Invoke( "GetCustomerById", new object[] { id } );
            return ( CustomerInformation )results[0];

Figure 2

From the above example we can infer a number of things:

  1. ProxyFactoryObject is going to intercept calls to our target object, CRMService. In Spring.NET there are several proxying strategies to choose from like inheritance or composition (interface) based, autoproxies, and so forth. Here we’re using a GUID-based composition ProxyFactoryObject. When you instantiate this proxy through Spring.NET’s object factory, you’ll notice that the object’s type is actually a runtime generated object of a type like “CompositionAopProxy_4f054a8f2cd349479fe1673d4427aca3″ that implements ICRMService.
  2. ProxyInterfaces expose the members that will be visible to client code and intercepted by the proxy through interface ICRMService. In other words aspects will only be applied to members specified by this interface. Any members specified by this interface will automatically receive advice based on their pointcuts.
  3. Target specifies the business entity object that we’re going to wrap.
  4. InterceptorNames specify that the aspect impersonationAspect must be applied to method requests and outputs.
  5. impersonationAspect‘s Pointcut uses a regualr expression that selects all members of the given class to receive impersonationAdvice.

In point 1 I mentioned composition vs inheritance based AOP proxies. We are using a composition based proxy, because the proxy never inherits from our target object, CRMService. A composition based proxy has a private field called m_targetSourceWrapper of type Spring.Aop.Framework.StaticTargetSourceWrapper that stores the actual business entity class we’re redirecting to. An inheritance based proxy inherits from the target object.

Writing A Custom Impersonation MethodInterceptor

Spring.NET provides a number of out-of-the-box aspects for caching, logging, transactions, and exceptions. What we’re going to do is write custom ‘around advice’, called a MethodInterceptor. Remember, Advice are objects that perform the actual work. So logging advice will actually write to the log file. Pointcuts tell the proxy when to pass control to the specified advice. You get four types of advice:

  • Before a target method executes.
  • After a target method executes.
  • Before and after (around) a method executes.
  • When a target method throws an unhandled exception.

The AOP advice we’re going to write, will impersonate the current thread with a WindowsIdentity obtained from an identity provider. This is used when an application runs under a Windows service account, but selected methods need to be called with the current user’s identity, instead of the service account’s. The IIdentityProvider is dynamically injected, and retrieves the WindowsIdentity from the applicable context. For instance when you’re impersonating the current thread in a web application, you need to implement a HTTP IIdentityProvider, that gets the current user’s WindowsIdentity from the HttpContext.

In our specific scenario we are applying impersonationAdvice to all methods (.*) of the ICRMService, implemented by CRMService. In a nutshell, we are impersonating all our calls to CRMService.

Control is passed to an IMethodInterceptor before a target method is entered, and after it returns:

 public class ImpersonationAdvice : IMethodInterceptor
 #region IMethodInterceptor Members

 public object Invoke( IMethodInvocation invocation )
     using ( IdentityImpersonator.Begin( ObjectManager.New<IIdentityProvider>().Provide() ) )
         return invocation.Proceed();


ImpersonationAdvice implements IMethodInterceptor. You can almost say that Invoke will replace the target method it’s wrapping. To execute the actual target method, you need to call Proceed() on the supplied IMethodInvocation argument.

Here’s the code for our implementation of IIdentityProvider, IdentityImpersonator, and ObjectManager:

internal class HttpContextIdentityProvider : IIdentityProvider
    #region IIdentityProvider Members

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides the identity of the current user.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public WindowsIdentity Provide()
        return (WindowsIdentity) HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;


public sealed class IdentityImpersonator : IDisposable
    #region Globals

    private WindowsImpersonationContext ctx;
    private bool disposed;


    #region Construction       

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IdentityImpersonator"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    private IdentityImpersonator()
        // Static Construction in Begin().


    #region Public Members

    /// <summary>
    /// Begins this instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IdentityImpersonator Begin(WindowsIdentity identity)
        var impersonator = new IdentityImpersonator {ctx = identity.Impersonate()};
        return impersonator;

    /// <summary>
    /// Undoes this instance.
    /// </summary>
    public void Undo()
        if (ctx != null)


    #region IDisposable Members

    /// <summary>
    /// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
    /// </summary>
    public void Dispose()
        if (!disposed)
            disposed = true;


/// <summary>
/// Instantiates objects based on their name, and provides
/// a standard set of configured utility objects.
/// </summary>
public static class ObjectManager
    private static IApplicationContext context;

    /// <summary>
    /// Instantiates a default object with an id/name
    /// that is the same as the class's full name.
    /// </summary>
    public static T New<T>()
        return New<T>(typeof(T).FullName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Instantiates the object with the specified name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to return.</typeparam>
    ///<param name="name">The name of the object.</param>
    /// <returns>A newly created object with the type specified by the name, or a singleton object if so configured.
    /// </returns>
    public static T New<T>(string name)
        return (T)Context.GetObject(name);

    /// <summary>
    /// Instantiates the object with the specified name, and constructor arguments.
    /// </summary>
    public static T New<T>(string name, object[] arguments)
        return (T)Context.GetObject( name, arguments);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the context.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>The context.</value>
    internal static IApplicationContext Context
            if (context == null)
                lock ( ContextRegistry.SyncRoot )
                    context = ContextRegistry.GetContext();

             return context;

ObjectManager serves as the object factory that wraps Spring.NET’s ApplicationContext with some additional functionality. Specifically in this scenario, ObjectManager instantiates our proxied objects.

The important tasks are performed by IdentityImpersonator. HttpContextIdentityProvider supplies IdentityImpersonator.Begin(…) with the current user’s WindowsIdentity from HttpContext.Current.User, which in turn calls WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(). To stop impersonating the current thread, you need to call WindowsIdentity.Undo(). The Dispose method stops the impersonation, so that you need to put code that you want to impersonate, in a using {…} clause. GC.SuppressFinalize(…) tells the garbage collector to ignore IdentityImpersonator‘s finalize method, since we already cleaned up the object when it was Disposed.

Usage and Conclusion

So, to impersonate a call to CRMService becomes a completely transparent process. You don’t need to duplicate IdentityImpersonator.Begin() every time you want to impersonate the current thread. The methods that need impersonation is dynamically selected from one place, impersonationAspect’s Pointcut, and the impersonation work is also performed from one place, in ImpersonationAdvice:

var crmService = ObjectManager.New( “crmService” );
crmService.GetCustomerById( 1 );< [/sourcecode] This should clearly demonstrate the power of AOP: Injecting all that functionality into GetCustomerById(…), without adding a single line of code to it, and we can change it all without making any code changes!

Integrating The Spring.NET Validation Framework And ASP .NET MVC

I recently completed a very successful project for a client using ASP .NET MVC, Spring.NET and jQuery. One of the technical requirements of the solution was that we wanted to have an advanced validation mechanism that would allow us to move all our validation rules out of theUI layer, and business logic, and into a dynamically configurable rule engine. Spring.NET’s validation framework is ideally suited for this challenging task.

Spring.NET’s validation framework is based on a hierarchy of validation groups, conditions, and actions. I refer those unfimiliiar with Spring.NET’s validation framework, to their well composed documentation.

What I’ll propose here is a way to integrate Spring.NET’s validation with ASP MVC, and some issues you might encounter alng the way.

Spring.NET Validation Is From Mars, and ASP MVC Is From Venus

Okay, so you’ve covered the validation framework’s documentation. You can create new validation rules, pass through an object (in the MVC space this would be the model), and get back a boolean result to tell you whether the object passed (true) or failed (false). As I’ve mentioned this process is made very clear in the help documentation of the validation framework, so I’m going to jump straight into the juicy complexities.

Spring.NET’s validation rules apply themselves directly to a POCO’s (Plain Old C# Object) schema. For instance, say I’ve got a class Customer that I pass through as the validationContext, and I wanted to validate his CellPhone ContactNumber (Customer.ContactNumbers.CellPhone), the validation rule might look something like this:

<v:regex when="ContactNumbers.CellPhone != null and ContactNumbers.CellPhone != ''"

When we’re talking about MVC, our Customer will serve as the model sent to a ViewPage by a Controller action.

ASP’s Controller all have a ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError(…), that takes in a key, and an error message. To get MVC to highlight the input element, the key must match its name. To get MVC to automatically bind the HTML control to a model property, the name of the control in turn should be the same as the path to the Property that provides its value. For example, say I want ASP MVC to automatically display his CellPhone number, then I’d use “Customer.ContactNumbers.CellPhone” as the input control’s name. To flag this control as an error source, I’ll use a key with the exact same name.

<%= Html.TextBox( "Customer.ContactNumbers.HomeDialCode" )%>
<%= Html.TextBox( "Customer.ContactNumbers.HomePhone" )%>
<%= Html.ValidationMessage( "Customer.ContactNumbers.HomeDialCode" )%>
<%= Html.ValidationMessage( "Customer.ContactNumbers.HomePhone" )%>

The important point is that the naming convention of the ViewPage’s HTML controls, is based on the model’s schema or graph, and so are the validation rules. The trick is then to relate a Spring.NET validation error (and specifically the error message) to the current node in the schema to which it’s being applied.

Spring.NET’s message or ErrorMessageAction has the concept of “providers“. A provider is just a fancy name for an IDictionary<string,IList> of key-values, where the provider name serves as the key, and the list is a list of ErrorMessages. The idea is that each provider name relates to a Spring validation web server control, that will display it’s error. For ASP MVC we’d rather like to generate the correct ModelError key, so MVC can automatically take care of displaying the error message in its own way.

So at this point we have 3 tasks that we need to complete to successfully integrate ASP MVC and Spring.NET Validation:

1. Tell each Spring.NET validation rule where in the object graph it’s currently executing.
2. Generate the correct error key from the validation rule’s location or context.
3. Convert the validation error to a ModelError and add it to the Controller’s ModelState.

Validation Rules: “I Know What I’m Doing, But Not Where I’m Doing It!”

One of the problems of Spring.NET’s validation rules are that they do not know where in the schema they’re executing. Put a another way, they do not know the path that lead to the current rule being executed – henceforth being referred to as their context. Why is this important? It is important because, as explained previously, the MVC’s input field names and error keys are based on the full path of underlying model-object property.

The most straightforward way to provide this contextual information for a validation rule is to embed it directly inside its definition, probably using a custom IValidationAction:

<v:regex id="homeDialCodeValidator" when="HomeDialCode != null and HomeDialCode != ''" test="HomeDialCode">
<v:property name="Expression" value="&#91;0-9&#93;{3}"/>
  <v:action type="Shinobido.GhostBlade.Validation.ModelValidationAction, Shinobido.GhostBlade.Core">
    <v:property name="CurrentError">
      <object id="homeDialCodeError" type="Shinobido.GhostBlade.Validation.ModelError, Shinobido.GhostBlade">
<property name="Key" value="Customer.ContactNumbers.HomeDialCode" />
<property name="Message" value="3 numbers expected." />

The problem with the aforementioned approach is that it reduces the re-usability of validation rules. For instance, lets say we have the following classes:

public class ContactNumbers
    public string HomeDialCode { get; set; }
    public string HomePhone { get; set; }

public class Customer
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public ContactNumbers ContactNumbers { get; set; }
    public Spouse Spouse { get; set; }
    public NextOfKin NextOfKin { get; set; }

public class Spouse
    public ContactNumbers ContactNumbers { get; set; }

public class NextOfKin
    public ContactNumbers ContactNumbers { get; set; }

Ideally we want to create one contactNumbersValidator rule-group, that can be referenced from other validators, wherever ContactNumbers need to be validated:

<v:ref name="contactNumbersValidator" context="Spouse.ContactNumbers" />

The problem with specifying the context information or error key, in the rule, as that it only caters for a single context. For instance, in the above example we would like to validate ContactNumbers from three different contexts: Customer.ContactNumbers, Customer.Spouse.ContactNumbers, and Customer.NextOfKin.ContactNumbers. All three will use the same validation rule, but from different contexts or schema paths. If we specify a context of Customer.ContactNumbers.HomeDialCode, then we are unable to accommodate any other path, such as those for NextOfKin and Spouse.

What we can infer from this exercise is that we need to specify a rule’s context outside of the rule, in a parent group or rule. A validation rule itself cannot contain the context, because it does not know from where it’s referenced. So how do we set the rule’s current context, from its parent?

One of the ValidatorGroup‘s overloads for the Validate(…) method, has an input argument called contextParams of type IDictionary. The significance of this argument is that we can write and read values to it – programmatically and from the config file. This allows us to make variables available to validation groups, validators or actions.

So how do we set a variable from the rule configuration? For this we use the “#variableName” syntax of Spring.NET’s expression language. When Spring.NET encounters the following command “#SomeVariable=’SomeValue‘” a new entry is made in the contextParams dictionary with a key name of “SomeVariable” and value of “SomeValue”.

What we’re going to do is write a magic little custom class that allow us to navigate up and down the object graph, as validation rules are evaluated:

public class ObjectContext
    private IList<string> contextPath = new List<string>();
    private string finalContext;
    private readonly StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    public bool StepIn( params string[] path )
        for ( var i = 0; path != null && i < path.Length; ++i )
            contextPath.Add( path&#91;i&#93; );
        return true;

    public bool FinalStepIn( params string&#91;&#93; path )
        for ( var i = 0; path != null && i < path.Length; ++i )
            if ( i == path.Length - 1 )
                finalContext = path&#91;i&#93;;
                contextPath.Add( path&#91;i&#93; );
        return true;

    public bool StepOut( params string&#91;&#93; path )
        // Reverse list so we can start deleting from index 0
        var reversedContextPath = contextPath.Reverse().ToList();
        for ( var i = 0; i < reversedContextPath.Count(); ++i )
            // Just remove the same number of items in "path"
            // from "contextPath"
            reversedContextPath.RemoveRange( 0, path.Length );

        // Revert back to original order and assign back to "contextPath"
        contextPath = reversedContextPath;

        return true;

    public string ContextPath
            if ( pathBuilder.Length > 0 ) pathBuilder.Remove( 0, pathBuilder.Length );

            for ( var i = 0; i < contextPath.Count; ++i )
                pathBuilder.Append( contextPath&#91;i&#93; );

                // If don't have a leaf node, and this is the last
                // intermediate/branch node, then do not add a "."
                if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( finalContext ) &&
                     i == contextPath.Count - 1 )

                pathBuilder.Append( "." );
            pathBuilder.Append( finalContext );
            return pathBuilder.ToString();


Let's first explain some of the <strong>logic behind ObjectContext</strong>. When it comes to object schemas or graphs we can distinguish between three types of contexts: <strong>the root context</strong>, <strong>several intermediate sub contexts</strong>, and a <strong>final leaf context</strong> (containing the "test" expression). The <strong>root context </strong><em>serves as the starting point for the evaluation path</em>, and is similar to MVC's concept of a binding prefix. <strong>Sub contexts</strong> <em>refer to those that navigate from the root down to a final leaf context</em>. A <strong>leaf context</strong> <em>is a validation rule end-point, that does not have any children, and contains the actual "test" expression</em>.

<strong>ObjectContext </strong>has three methods <strong>StepIn</strong>, <strong>FinalStepIn</strong>, and <strong>StepOut</strong>. <strong>StepIn </strong><em>allows us to step into a child context</em>, like when we move from Customer into Spouse. <strong>FinalStepIn </strong><em>is used when we move from a parent context into a final leaf context</em>, like we'd do if we moved from ContactNumbers to HomePhone. Lastly we have <strong>StepOut</strong>, <em>that takes us from a child context back up to a parent one</em>, such as when we move back from Spouse to Customer.

All we need to do now, is <strong>add a new instance of ObjectContext to contextParams</strong> and call the relevant methods as we move through the object graph's nodes. I wrote a <strong>ValidatorGroup extension</strong> method to automatically add a new ObjectContext instance to contextParams:

public static class ValidatorGroupExtensions
    public static bool Validate( this ValidatorGroup validatorGroup, object validationContext, IValidationErrors errors, bool hasContext )
        var contextParams = hasContext ? new Dictionary<string,object> { { "ObjectContext", new ObjectContext() } } : new Dictionary<string,object>();
        return validatorGroup.Validate( validationContext, contextParams, errors );

At this point it should be clear how to add a new instance of ObjectContext to contextParams. What we haven’t discussed is how we’re going to retrieve our ObjectContext instance from contextParams, and invoke one of its methods in the validation configuration. The answer to this question lies in the fact that Spring.NET’s IExpression interface allows multiple independent commands to be executed in the same expression. What’s also important is that we realize that the validation configuration schema’s “when” and “test” attributes are actually IExpression properties. Therefore we can use any of the validation framework’s attributes/properties that is an IExpression to use variables from contextParams:

<v:group id="customerValidator" when="#ObjectContext.StepIn( 'Customer' )">

    <v:condition when="#ObjectContext.FinalStepIn( 'Name' )" test="Name != null and Name != ''" />

    <v:group when="( #ObjectContext.StepIn( 'Spouse', 'ContactNumbers' ); Employer != null )">
        <v:ref name="contactNumbersValidator" context="Spouse.ContactNumbers" />

    <v:group when="( #ObjectContext.StepOut( 'Spouse', 'ContactNumbers' ); #ObjectContext.StepIn( 'ContactNumbers' ) )">
        <v:ref name="contactNumbersValidator" context="ContactNumbers" />

<!-- contactNumbersValidator -->
<v:group id="contactNumbersValidator">

    <!-- CellPhone validator -->
    <v:regex when="( #ObjectContext.FinalStepIn( 'CellPhone' ); CellPhone != null and CellPhone != '' )" test="CellPhone">
        <v:property name="Expression" value="&#91;0-9&#93;{10}"/>
        <v:action type="Shinobido.GhostBlade.ErrorMessageContextAction, Shinobido.GhostBlade">
            <v:property name="Message" value="Unexpected format for cellphone number." />


The first “when” validation statement on the group element tells Spring.NET to fetch the value of the DictionaryEntry with key “ObjectContext”. To execute multiple commands in a single IExpression we place the entire expression in brackets, and separate the each sub-expression with a semi-colon. When multiple statements are specified like this, Spring.NET always returns the last statement’s value. This is why our navigation methods all return true: So that the groups are executed by default, relieving us from the burden to add a last additional expression that returns true.

The next step is to create a custom IValidationAction that inherits from BaseValidationAction, that will store our validation rule’s error message, and build the current context’s full path info:

public class ErrorMessageContextAction: BaseValidationAction
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the error message.
    /// </summary>
    public string Message { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInvalid( object validationContext, IDictionary contextParams, IValidationErrors errors )
        var objContext = contextParams["ObjectContext"] as ObjectContext;

        if ( objContext == null ) return;

        var error = new ErrorMessage( null, Message );
        errors.AddError( objContext.ContextPath, error );

BaseValidationAction provides two virtual methods OnInvalid and OnValid, that are called when a rule fails or passes. ErrorMessageContextAction has one property called Message, that is set to the actual error message we wish to display. Our override of OnInvalid uses ObjectContext.ContextPath to build the full path of the current context. This full path will be used as our ‘provider’. ASP MVC’s built-in error message handling magic fulfills the role of validation errors renderer using this ‘provider’.

The last piece of the puzzle is a custom IValidationErrors implementation that will add validation errors to a MVC Controller’s ViewData.ModelState:

public class ModelStateErrors: IValidationErrors
    ModelStateDictionary modelState;

    public ModelStateErrors( ModelStateDictionary modelState )
        this.modelState = modelState;

    public void AddError( string provider, ErrorMessage message )
        if ( message != null &&
             message.Parameters != null &&
             message.Parameters.Length > 0 &&
             message.Parameters[0] != null &&
             message.Parameters[0] is string )
            modelState.AddModelError( provider, message.Parameters[0].ToString() );

    public void MergeErrors( ValidationErrors errorsToMerge )
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public IList GetErrors( string provider )
        var modelStateDict = modelState[provider];
        return modelStateDict == null ? null : modelStateDict.Errors;

    public IList GetResolvedErrors(string provider, IMessageSource messageSource)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public bool IsEmpty
        get { return modelState.Count == 0; }

    public IList Providers
            return modelState.Keys.ToList();

Class ModelStateErrors internally wraps a ViewData‘s ModelStateDictionary, and automatically adds Spring.NET validation errors to it. The provider name is used as the key for AddModelError, because this is the ‘bucket’ that we’d like to sink the message to. The ErrorMessage‘s first parameter is expected to be the message text.

Usage and Conclusion

An important point to remember when specifying the context in Spring’s validation configuration, is to always provide a complete path from the current node to a final leaf node. It is important to StepIn and StepOut of contexts in-sync with the validation rules. If a context is skipped, our we don’t StepOut of a previous one, we will not get the correct path. When you get the wrong context, check that you’ve SteppedOut as many times as you’ve SteppedIn, to bring you back to the current node or level. Also check that you’ve specified the correct context names when you StepInto a context.

All we need to do is make sure our context navigation correctly follows our validation rules. Apart from this we don’t really need to do anything else to get Spring.NET to add its validation errors and messages to ViewData’s ModelState:

1. Import the namespace where the ValidatorGroupExtensions is defined:

using Shinobido.GhostBlade.Extensions;

2. Get the desired ValidatorGroup from Spring.NET’s objects configuration.
3. Call ValidatorGroup.Validate with ModelStateErrors as the IValidationErrors implementation, and hasContext as true.

Just obtain the desired ValidatorGroup from the objects configuration, ModelStateErrors as the IValidationErrors implementation in a Controller’s Action method:

public partial class CustomerController: Controller
    public ActionResult EditPersonalAssessment( int id )
        var customer = ObjectManager.New<ICustomer>();
        customer.ContactNumbers = new ContactNumbers
                                      CellPhone = "djsk"
        customer.Spouse = new Spouse
                              ContactNumbers = new ContactNumbers
                                                   CellPhone = "kasjd"
        var validator = ObjectManager.New<ValidatorGroup>( "customerValidator" );
        var result = validator.Validate( sampleObj, new ModelStateErrors( ViewData.ModelState ), true );

From the final usage we observe that it’s a pretty neat way of integrating Spring.NET’s Validation Framework with ASP .NET MVC’s ModelState and error handling magic. The only part that’s a bit weird is the way we specify the context in Spring.NET’s validation configuration. It abuses the IExpression attributes a little in a way that they weren’t originally designed for. But I believe this is a small price to pay to gain the huge benefit of automatic integration of Spring.NET’s Validation Framework and ASP MVC’s validation and error handling and display.

In the next Spring.NET post I’ll be covering how to use Spring.NET’s Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) to create an impersonation aspect. Happy Springing until then!

The Only C# .NET Singleton You’ll Ever Need

My colleague, Riaan Hanekom from NGenerics fame, showed me his perfect code for a singleton in C# .NET (version 2 and later). This generic class can create a singleton for any non-static class that has a default constructor.

This program is licensed under the Microsoft Permissive License (Ms-PL).  You should
have received a copy of the license along with the source code.  If not, an online copy
of the license can be found at http://www.codeplex.com/NGenerics/Project/License.aspx.
public static class Singleton<T> where T:new()
private static readonly T instance = new T();
public static T Instance
return instance;
So simple, yet so complete…

C# Source Analysis And Client .NET

Microsoft Source Analysis for C#

If you code in C#, you definitely would want to have a look at this. It’s been used by Microsoft internally for as long as I know. Previously called Stylecop. Get it here.

Microsoft .NET Client Profile Assemblies

Because we mainly work in .NET and we have to keep lugging a large .NET framework around to install at clients (if they don’t have it). Microsoft has released a .NET Framework client profile that’s about 26mb and that is optimized for client .NET applications. Get it here.

Common .NET Memory Issues

Charl Botha, senior developer at Intervate, and I had some discussions around .NET memory issues, and how to measure the size of a CLR object in memory.

Here’s what Charl had to say:

“I have yet to discover how one can retrieve the size of an object in pure CLR, the method that I used was to take an object created in CLR, get the GCHandle, then get the size of the object in unmanaged memory. This I don’t think would help you.

There is software available that you can use, free, that can measure memory usage.

They are dead slow since they are virtual machines, like Java, but are able to take the measurements for you.

The CLR profiler I found to be the best product to help me find out which objects are not memory happy.

Here’s a list of things that are not very good to memory and will abuse you system.

Note, this infromation was composed nearly two years ago based on the 1.1 .Net framework, so I’m not 100% sure that they still affect the system as badly as they did last time.

1. Delegates, the typical += assigning to events, a lot of coders abuse this and every time a new object is created they create a new delegate and bind it to the object, bad.

There should only be one delegate created when the assembly is loaded and reused, the -= must then be used to unbind the object when the destructor is called or disposed. Very, very important:

  • First create  a new instance of the EventHandler delegate:
    ElapsedEventHandler _elapsedEventHandler = ElapsedEventHanlder( onTimedEvent );
  • Then assign the EventHandler delegate to the object’s event:
    _timer.Elapsed += _elapsedEventHandler;
  • When we’re finished with the source object (_timer in the example), unbind the original delegate instance:
    _timer.Elapsed -= _elapsedEventHandler;

2. Secondly, fonts, brushes, and graphics in general. Each graphically driven object needs a handle, and handles are created when the object is created. But when the GC collects the object, it does not dispose of the handle, bad.

Once again, use the object that are already created by the application and not manually by your code.

3. Streams, any stream reader or writer must be closed and disposed, if a coder does not do this, the handle to the memory is kept open until the process is killed. Always, close stream, so search through your code and see where you open streams, from files, to XML, to serialization.

4. Threads, every time a thread is created in the virtual machine, certain memory is allocated to control this thread, in the real world, i.e. OS systems 5+ allocate 1mb of memory to manage a thread, create a lot of threads, use a lot of memory, whenever possible use thread managers and processing queues to run transactions rather than just creating a thread for every transaction.

5. Lastly, use the GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers after transactions, this will help with thread memory allocation not just application memory, remember, threads drive process, processes, drive jobs.”

Hope this discussion helps others, as it helped me with some commonly encountered .NET memory usage and development issues.